Sunday, September 28, 2008

VmWare Primer

Virtual machine software is becoming common practice in big software houses. We currently use multiple VmWare ESX servers at the company I work for. I also use virtual machines to quickly test new software and application changes. This blog will go over some of my findings using vmware. I will go over the virtual machine software "VmWare", although there are many other solutions out there that provide similar functionality such as Microsoft Virtual Server, and Virtual PC.

This blog will discuss VMWare software at a developer level. On my home machine I currently run a 2 cpu Quad core machine with 4GB memory on Vista 32bit OS. I run multiple vmwares at the same time on this home machine.

My Work machine is a dual core IBM T60 with 2GB memory running XP. I transfer vm projects back and forth to test different applications and software constantly.

My Work machine runs VMWARE workstation and my home machine runs VMWare player.

I'll demo installs and test in this blog in the near future.